Emmanuel De Moor

Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Emmanuel De MoorMy primary focus is on physical metallurgy and the study of the effect of heat treating on microstructural development and mechanical properties. Previously I was involved in low carbon TRIP steel research, notably on strain ageing (bake hardening), mechanical stability of the retained austenite and high strain rate testing of these grades.

More recently I studied the Quenching and Partitioning process by assessing mechanical properties, such as tensile and hole expansion, as well as by a study of the physical metallurgy of the process through dilatometry and differential scanning calorimetry analysis.

I am currently involved in the wire, sheet and plate research.

In my view, a primary goal of academic engineering research should be a fundamental study of involved mechanisms, aiming at improving properties and/or optimizing processes in service to the industry. This approach can greatly contribute to the education of our students.


  • B.S. Applied Science, M.S and Ph.D Materials Science, Ghent University, Belgium

Research Area

  • Alloying
  • Microstructure and properties of steel


Hill Hall 272

Labs and Research Centers