Patricio F. Mendez

Affiliate Faculty for Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1999
M.Sc. (Materials Science and Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1995
Ing. (Mechanical Engineer), University of Buenos Aires – 1992

Professional Experience

  • University of Alberta, Professor, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering Jul. 2013 – Present
  • University of Alberta, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering Jan. 2009 – Jun. 2013
  • Weldco Industry Chair in Welding and Joining Jan. 2009 – Present
  • Director, Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining (CCWJ) Jan. 2009 – Present
  • Colorado School of Mines, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Aug. 2004 – Dec. 2008
  • Exponent/Failure Analysis ,Senior Engineer Feb. 2004 – Aug. 2004
  • Exponent/Failure Analysis, Engineer Sep. 2002 – Feb. 2004
  • Semi-Solid Technologies, Inc. (SST), President Aug. 2000 – Jan 2006
  • Semi-Solid Technologies, Inc. (SST), Vice-President, Co-founder, and Co-owner Feb. 1995 – Aug. 2000


Academic Awards

  • 2016 – CWA Michael N. Vucinich Award, to an individual who has “done the most to advance the science, technology and application of arc welding in Canada”
  • 2016 – CWA Gold Medal for best presentation at CWA  Annual meeting the year before.
  • 2016 – AWS Charles H. Jennings Award, for most valuable contribution to the welding literature (“Primary Chromium Carbide Fraction Control with Variable Polarity SAW.” Welding Journal. 94(1). pp. 1s7s) 9
  • 2015 – AWS Warren F. Savage Memorial Award to the “best paper on metallurgical principles related to welding” published in the Welding Journal Research Supplement (“Characterization of High Strength
    Weld Metal Containing Mg-Bearing Inclusions.” Welding Journal, 2014. 93 (1): p. 15s-22s.)
  • 2015 – Undergraduate Research Initiative University of Alberta Award for Outstanding Mentorship in Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities for “(having) gone above and beyond to help support the development of undergraduate researchers.”
  • 2014 – ASM M. Brian Ives Lectureship Award to “an individual who has made distinguished and significant contributions to the Canadian materials community.”
  • 2014 – AWS Fellow for a “career of significant achievements in the technical and research arenas.”
  • 2014 – AWS Adams Memorial Membership Award for “outstanding teaching activities in undergraduate and postgraduate engineering.”
  • 2014 – University of Alberta Student Union Award for Leadership in Undergraduate Teaching for “excellence in teaching by faculty members who make outstanding contributions in their roles as undergraduate instructors.”
  • 2013 – CWA Fellowship Award for “exemplary reputation and service to advancements of welding sciences, technology application, research, education, publication of papers, books, journal articles and peer recognition.”
  • 2013 – AWS William Irrgang Memorial Award “to the individual who had done the most to enhance AWS’s goal of advancing the Science and Technology of Welding over the last five years.”
  • 2013 – AWS Image of Welding: Educational Facility Award to “an educational facility that conducts welding education or training that has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to furthering the Image of welding”
  • 2012 – IIW Kenneth Easterling Best Paper Award to “the best contribution made over the three years proceeding on the advancement of knowledge or practice in respect of mathematical modelling of weld phenomena.” (OMS: A Computer Algorithm to Develop Closed-Form Solutions to Multicoupled, Multiphysics Problems in Proceedings of 10th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability, p. 219-254. Graz-Seggau, Austria)
  • 2011- AWS William Spraragen Award to the best paper published in the Welding Journal Research Supplement (“A New Method for the Design of Welding Consumables”. Welding Journal, 2010. 89 (10): p. 201s-209s).
  • 2006- NSF CAREER Award “NSF’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research”
  • 2006 -TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award, Certificate of Honorable Mention
  • 2004 – AWS Charles H. Jennings Award, for most valuable contribution to the welding literature (“Penetration and Defect Formation in High Current Arc Welding.” Welding Journal. 82(10). pp. 296s-306s)
  • 2002 – AWS Silver Quill Award, for best original welding paper in non-welding journal (“Welding Processes for Aeronautics”. Advanced Materials & Processes, 2001. 159 (5): p. 39-43).
  • 1997 – Sigma Xi honor society, MIT chapter
  • 1996 – Alpha Sigma Mu honor society, MIT chapter
  • 1993 – MIT Rocca Fellowship
  • 1993 – CONICET (Argentine National Research Council) Fellowship
  • 1989 – Argentine Construction Chamber Excellence Award (also in 1991)
  • 1990 – Argentine-American Cultural Institute Scholarship (also in 1991)
  • 1988 – University of Buenos Aires Research Fellowship, for studies on Wind Energy (also in 1989, 1990,1991)


Selected Publications and Collaborations

  1.  Kamyabi-Gol, A. and Mendez, P.F., The Evolution of the Fraction of Individual Phases During a
    Simultaneous Multiphase Transformation from Time–Temperature Data. Material Transactions A,
    2015. 46A (2): p. 622-638.
  2. Wood, G. and Mendez, P.F., Disaggregated Metal and Carbide Catchment Efficiencies in Laser
    Cladding of Nickel-Tungsten Carbide. Welding Journal, 2015. 94 (11).
  3. Barnes, N., Joseph, T., and Mendez, P.F., Issues associated with welding and surfacing of large mobile
    mining equipment for use in oil sands applications. Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining,
    2015. 20 (6): p. 483-493.
  4. Borle, S.D., Gall, I.L., and Mendez, P.F., Primary Chromium Carbide Fraction Control with Variable
    Polarity SAW. Welding Journal, 2015. 94 (1): p. 1s-7s.
  5. Mendez, P.F., Goett, G., and Guest, S.D., High-Speed Video of Metal Transfer in Submerged Arc
    Welding. Welding Journal, 2015. 94 (10): p. 325s-332s.
  6. Gibbs, J.W., Schlachter, C., Mayr, P., Kamyabi-Gol, A., and Mendez, P.F., Cooling Curve Analysis as
    an Alternative to Dilatometry in Continuous Cooling Transformations. Materials Transactions A, 2015.
    46A (1): p. 148-155.
  7. Kamyabi-Gol, A., Clark, S.J., Gibbs, J.W., Seetharaman, S., and Mendez, P.F., Quantification of
    multiple simultaneous phase transformations using dilation curve analysis (DCA). Acta Materialia,
    2016 106: p. 231-240.
  8.  Wood, G., Islam, S.A., and Mendez, P.F., Calibrated expressions for welding and their application to
    isotherm width in a thick plate. Soldagem & Inspecao, 2014. 19 (3): p. 212-220.
  9. Gerlich, A.P., Izadi, H., Bundy, J., and Mendez, P.F., Characterization of High Strength Weld Metal
    Containing Mg-bearing Inclusions. Welding Journal, 2014. 93 (1): p. 15s-22s.
  10. Guest, S., Chapuis, J., Wood, G., and Mendez, P.F., Non-Wetting Behavior of Tungsten Carbide
    Powders in a Nickel Weld Pool: A New Loss Mechanism in GMAW Overlays. Science And Technology
    Of Welding And Joining, 2014. 19 (2): p. 133-141.
  11. Barnes, N., Borle, S., Dewar, M., Andreiuk, J., and Mendez, P.F., 3D Microstructure
    Reconstruction of Chrome Carbide Weld Overlays. Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining,
    2014. 19 (8): p. 696-702.
  12. Mendez, P.F., Barnes, N., Bell, K., Borle, S., Gajapathi, S.S., Guest, S.D., Izadi, H., Gol, A.K., and
    Wood, G., Welding Processes for Wear Resistant Overlays. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2014.
    16: p. 4-25.
  13. Mendez, P.F. and Eagar, T.W., Order of Magnitude Scaling: A Systematic Approach to Approximation
    and Asymptotic Scaling of Equations in Engineering. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013. 80 (1): p.
    011009-1 to 9.
  14. Gajapathi, S.S., Mitra, S.K., and Mendez, P.F., Part 2: Application of Kanaya–Okayama heat source
    in modelling micro electron beam welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2012. 17
    (6): p. 435-440.
  15. Gajapathi, S.S., Mitra, S.K., and Mendez, P.F., Part 1: Development of new heat source model
    applicable to micro electron beam welding. Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining, 2012.
    17 (6): p. 429-434.
  16. Mendez, P.F., Synthesis and generalisation of welding fundamentals to design new welding
    technologies: status, challenges and a promising approach. Science And Technology Of Welding And
    Joining, 2011. 16 (4): p. 348-356.
  17. Lehnhoff, G. and Mendez, P.F., Scaling of non-linear effects in heat transfer of a continuously fed
    melting wire. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011. 54: p. 2651-2660.
  18. Gajapathi, S.S., Mitra, S.K., and Mendez, P.F., Controlling heat transfer in micro electron beam
    welding using volumetric heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011. 54 (25-26): p.
  19. Soderstrom, E., Scott, K.M., and Mendez, P.F., Calorimetric Measurement of Droplet Temperature in
    GMAW. Welding Journal, 2011. 90 (4): p. 77s-84s.
  20. Marcano, D., Mendez, P.F., Gibbs, J.W., and Kannengiesser, T., Martensite fraction determination
    using cooling curve analysis. Solid State Phenomena, 2011. 172-174: p. 221-226.
  21. Mendez, P.F., Characteristic Values in the Scaling of Differential Equations in Engineering. Journal of
    Applied Mechanics, 2010. 77 (6): p. 061017 (12 pages)
  22. Mendez, P.F., Tello, K., and Lienert, T.J., Scaling of Coupled Heat Transfer and Plastic Deformation
    Around the Pin in Friction Stir Welding. Acta Materialia, 2010. 58 (18): p. 6012-6026.
  23. Tello, K.E., Gerlich, A.P., and Mendez, P.F., Constants for hot deformation constitutive models for
    recent experimental data. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2010. 15 (3): p. 260-266.
  24. Gerlich, A.P., Yue, L., Mendez, P.F., and Zhang, H., Plastic deformation of nanocrystalline aluminum
    at high temperatures and strain rate. Acta Materialia, 2010. 58 (6): p. 2176-2185.
  25. Gibbs, J.W., Kaufman, M.J., Hackenberg, R.E., and Mendez, P.F., Cooling Curve Analysis to
    Determine Phase Fractions in Solid-State Precipitation Reactions. Materials Transactions A, 2010. 41
    (9): p. 2216-2223.
  26. Tordonato, D.S., Madeni, J.C., Babu, S.S., Liu, S., and Mendez, P.F., A new method for the design of
    welding consumables. Welding Journal, 2010. 89 (10): p. 201s-209s.
  27. Rajan, K., Suh, C., and Mendez, P.F., Principal component analysis and dimensional analysis as
    materials informatics tools to reduce dimensionality in materials science and engineering. Statistical
    Analysis and Data Mining, 2009. 1 (6): p. 361-371.
  28. Gibbs, J.W. and Mendez, P.F., Solid fraction measurement using equation based cooling curve
    analysis. Scripta Materialia, 2008. 58: p. 699-702.
  29. Mendez, P.F. and Powell, A.C., Influence of heat transfer on the application of solid lubricant on hot
    dies. Scripta Materialia, 2008. 59 p. 784-787.
  30. Soderstrom, E. and Mendez, P.F., Metal Transfer during GMAW with Thin Electrodes & Ar-CO2
    Shielding Gas Mixtures. Welding Journal, 2008. 87 (5): p. 124s-133s.
  31. Mendez, P.F., Furrer, R., Ford, R., and Ordóñez, F., Scaling Laws as a Tool of Materials Informatics.
    JOM, 2008. 60 (3): p. 60-66.
  32. Mendez, P.F. and Lienert, T.J., Non-adiabatic shearing in Friction Stir Welding. TMS Letters, 2006. 3
    (2): p. 43-44.
  33. Soderstrom, E. and Mendez, P.F., Humping mechanisms present in high speed welding. Science And
    Technology of Welding And Joining, 2006. 11 (5): p. 572-579.
  34. Mendez, P.F. and Ordonez, F., Scaling Laws from Statistical Data and Dimensional Analysis. Journal
    of Applied Mechanics, 2005. 72 (5): p. 648-657.
  35. Park, J.-W., Mendez, P.F., and Eagar, T.W., Strain energy release in ceramic-to-metal joints by ductile
    metal interlayers. Scripta Materialia, 2005. 53 (7): p. 857-861
  36.  Mendez, P.F., Brown, S.B., and Eagar, T.W., Putting it in Scale. Mechanical Engineering, 2004. 126
    (Design Supplement): p. 16-20.
  37. Mendez, P.F. and Eagar, T.W., Penetration and defect formation in high-current arc welding. Welding
    Journal, 2003. 82 (10): p. 296S-306S.
  38. Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.S., and Brown, S.B., Comments on Solid freeform fabrication by extrusion and
    deposition of semi-solid alloys. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2003. 22: p. 1047-1049.
  39. Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.S., and Brown, S.B., Joining Using Semisolid Metals. Welding Journal, 2002. 81
    (9): p. 180s-187s.
  40. Park, J.-W., Mendez, P.F., and Eagar, T.W., Strain Energy Distribution in Ceramic to Metal Joints.
    Acta Materialia, 2002. 50: p. 883-899
  41.  Mendez, P.F. and Eagar, T.W., Welding processes for aeronautics. Advanced Materials & Processes,
    2001. 159 (5): p. 39-43.
  42. Mendez, P.F. and Eagar, T.W., Modeling of Materials Processing Using Dimensional Analysis and
    Asymptotic Considerations. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2001. 117 (3): p. CD-ROM,
    Section B9: Modeling.
  43. Rice, C.S. and Mendez, P.F., Slurry-Based Semi-Solid Die Casting. Advanced Materials & Processes,
    2001. 159 (10): p. 49-52.18
  44. Mendez, P.F., Ramirez, M.A., Trapaga, G., and Eager, T.W., Order-of-magnitude scaling of the
    cathode region in an axisymmetric transferred electric arc. Metallurgical And Materials Transactions
    B-Process Metallurgy And Materials Processing Science, 2001. 32 (3): p. 547-554.
  45. Rice, C.S., Mendez, P.F., and Brown, S.B., Metal Solid Freeform Fabrication Using Semi-Solid
    Slurries. JOM, 2000. 52 (12): p. 31-33.


  1. Richard, K.L., Neill, R.I., Rice, C.S., Myojin, S., Mendez, P.F., Gage, T.B., O’Daniel, J.F., and
    Barron, C.F., Semi-Solid Casting Apparatus and Method. Japan Patent # 3,544,943, 2004.
  2. Richard, K.L., Neill, R.I., Rice, C.S., Myojin, S., Mendez, P.F., Gage, T.B., O’Daniel, J.F., and
    Barron, C.F., Semi-Solid Casting Apparatus and Method. United States Patent # 6,640,879, 2003.
  3. Richard, K.L., Neill, R.I., Rice, C.S., Myojin, S., Mendez, P.F., Gage, T.B., O’Daniel, J.F., and
    Barron, C.F., Semi-Solid Casting Apparatus and Method. United States Patent # 6,470,955, 2002.
  4. Rice, C.S., Mendez, P.F., Brown, S.B., and Myojin, S., Apparatus and Method for Semi-Solid
    Material Production. United States Patent # 6,308,768, 2001.
  5. Mendez, P.F. and Brown, S.B., Method and Apparatus for Metal Solid Freeform Fabrication
    Utilizing Partially Solidified Metal Slurry. United States Patent # 5,893,404, 1999.
  6. Brown, S.B., Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.R., and Myojin, S., Apparatus and Method for Semi-Solid
    Material Production. United States Patent # 5,887,640, 1999.
  7. Brown, S.B., Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.R., and Myojin, S., Apparatus and Method for Integrated SemiSolid Material Production and Casting. United States Patent # 5,881,796, 1999.
  8. Brown, S.B., Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.R., and Myojin, S., Apparatus and Method for Integrated SemiSolid material Production and Casting. Brazil Patent # PI9712258-0, 1997.
  9. Brown, S.B., Mendez, P.F., Rice, C.R., and Myojin, S., Apparatus and Method for Semi-Solid
    Material Production. Brazil Patent # PI9712257-2, 1997.


Professional Memberships

  • Professional Engineer, APEGA since 2013
  • Professional Mechanical Engineer with federal jurisdiction in Argentina since 2005
  • Member of CWA, AWS, ASM, ASME, CSME, ASEE