Michael J. Kaufman

Co – Director of Materials and Energy Initiatives, Office of Research and Technology Transfer
Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Michael KaufmanEducation

B.S. and Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Research Interests

Structure-property-processing relationships in metals, intermetallics and composites. Advanced characterization techniques including analytical and high resolution electron microscopy.


Dr. Michael Kaufman is currently the Director of Materials and Energy Initiatives at the Colorado School of Mines. Prior to taking this position, he served in various capacities at Mines starting in 2007 when he joined the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering as Professor and Director of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory. From 2010 to 2014, he served as the department head of MME before becoming the Dean of the College of Applied Science and Engineering where he served from 2014-2018. Upon a reorganization in Academic Affairs, he became the Dean of Energy and Materials Programs and Vice Provost for Graduate and Research Initiatives where he served from 2018-2021. In 2021, he joined the Office of Research and Technology Transfer in his current role. 

Prior to his time at Mines, Dr. Kaufman served on the faculty at the University of North Texas, the University of Florida, and the University of Washington and as a staff member at the National Institute of Science and Technology. His research focus has been in using advanced characterization techniques to study materials with a focus on alloys for structural applications. He is the founding director of the Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys (CANFSA), which is an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC), that started in 2011 and is now a Phase III I/UCRC. He has served as advisor or co-advisor of over 65 graduate students and has published over 160 papers in archival journals. 

Selected Publications

1. M.L. Weaver and M.J. Kaufman, “Phase Relationships and Transformations in the Ternary Aluminum-Titanium-Tantalum System,” Acta Met. 43 (1995) 2625-2640.

2. M.L. Weaver, M.J. Kaufman, and R.D. Noebe, “Kinetics of Static Strain Aging in Polycrystalline NiAl-Based Alloys,” Intermetallics 4 (1996) 121-129.

3. A. Costa e Silva and M.J. Kaufman, “Applications of In-Situ Reactions to MoSi2-Based Materials,” Mats. Sci. & Engr. , A195 (1995) 75-88.

4. X.D. Zhang, Y.G. Li, M.J. Kaufman, and M.H. Loretto, “The Structure and Origin of Boundaries Between Antiphase Regions in L10 Intermetallics,” Acta Metall. et Mater., 44 (1996) 3735-3747.

5. X.D. Zhang, S. Godfrey, M.L. Weaver, M. Strangwood, P. Threadgill, M.J. Kaufman, and M.H. Loretto, “The Massive Transformation in Intermediate Ti-Al Alloys: Mechanistic Observations,” Acta Metall. et Mater., 44 (1996) 3723-3734.

6. M.L. Weaver, M.J. Kaufman, and R.D. Noebe, “Manifestations of Dynamic Strain Aging in Soft-Oriented NiAl Single Crystals,” Metall. Trans. A, 27A (1996) 3542-3557.

7. M.L. Weaver, R.D. Noebe, and M.J. Kaufman, “Observations of Static Strain Aging in Polycrystalline NiAl,” Intermetallics, 4 (1996) 533-542.

8. V.I. Levit, I.A. Bul, J. Hu, and M.J. Kaufman, “High Tensile Elongation of -NiAl Single Crystals at 293 K” Scripta Materialia, 34 (1996) 1925-1930.

9. T.T. Cheng, X.D. Zhang, Y.G. Li, M.J. Kaufman, I.P. Jones, and M.H. Loretto, “The Structure of Boundaries Between Antiphase Regions in TiAl-Based Alloys,” Phil. Mag. Letts.,74 (1996) 51-56.

10. R.E. Reed-Hill, C.V. Iswaran, and M.J. Kaufman, “An Analysis of the Flow Stress of a Two-Phase Alloy System,” Metall. and Mater. Trans. A, 47 (1996) 1-6.

11. S. Jayashankar and M.J. Kaufman, “Effect of Oxygen Content on the Superplastic Behavior of MoSi2/SiC Composites,” Advanced Synthesis and Processing of Composites and Advanced Ceramics II, published in Ceramics Transactions, 79, 163-173, 1996.

12. A.L. Costa e Silva and M.J. Kaufman, “Synthesis of MoSi2-Boride Composites Through In-Situ Displacement Reactions,” Intermetallics, 5 (1997) 1-15.

13. R.E. Reed-Hill, C.V. Iswaran, and M.J. Kaufman, “Influence of Interstitials on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials,” Metall. and Mater. Trans. A, 27A (1996) 3524-3529.

14. A.L. Costa e Silva and M.J. Kaufman, “The Application of Thermodynamics to the In-situ Processing of Aluminum-modified MoSi2 Composites,” Z. Metallkd. 88 (1997) 854-865.

15. J.B. LeBleu, Jr., P.R. Mei, V.I. Levit, and M.J. Kaufman, “Tensile Properties of NiAl Bicrystals,” Scripta Materialia 38 (1998) 415-422.

16. Yu. N. Gornostyrev, V.V. Marchenkov, V.I. Levit, M. Kaufman and H.W. Weber, “Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Resistivity and Point-Defect Distribution in the Intermetallic Compound NiAl,” Physics of Metals and Metallography, 86 (1998) 371-376.

17. X.D. Zhang, J.M.K. Wiezorek, M.J. Kaufman, M.H. Loretto and H.L. Fraser, “Planar Defects in Massively Transformed Ti-Al Alloys,” Phil. Mag. Letters, 79 (1999) 519-530.

18. N. Bassim, C.S. Kiminami and M.J. Kaufman, “Phases Formed During Crystallization of Amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 Alloy” J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 273 (2000) 271-276.

19. E.D. Wachsman, S. Boyapati and M.J. Kaufman, “Modeling of Ordered Structures of Phase-Stabilized Cubic Bismuth Oxides,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 83 (2000) 1964-1968.

20. N. Bassim, C.S. Kiminami, M.J. Kaufman, M.F. Oliveira, M.N.R.V. Perdigao, W.J. Botta Filho, “Crystallization Behavior of Amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 Alloy,” Mat. Sci. Eng. A304-306 (2001) pp. 332-337.

21. C.R.M. Afonso, C. Bolfarini, C.S. Kiminami, M.J. Kaufman, M.F, Amateau, T.J. Eden, and J.M. Galbraith, “Amorphous Phase Formation During Spray Forming of Al84Y3Ni8Co4Zr1 Alloy, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 284 (2001) 134-138.

22. M.F. de Oliveira, W.J. Botta, M.J. Kaufman and C.S. Kiminami, “Phases Formed During Crystallization of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 Metallic Glass Containing Oxygen”, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 304 (2002) 51-55.

23. Y.W. Heo, V. Varadarajan, M.J. Kaufman, K. Kim, D.P. Norton, F. Ren and P.H. Fleming, “Site-Specific Growth of ZnO Nanorods Using Catalysis-Driven Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Applied Physics Letters, 81 (2002) 3046-3048.

24. Otubo, J.; Nascimento, F.C.; Mei, P.R.; Cardoso, L.P. and Kaufman, M. “Influence of Austenite Grain Size on Mechanical Properties of Stainless Shape Memory Alloy”. Materials Transactions, 43 (2002) 916-919.

25. H. Kim, M.J. Kaufman, W.M. Sigmund, D. Jacques and R. Andrews, “Observation and Formation Mechanism of Stable Face-Centered-Cubic Nanorods in Carbon Nanotubes”, J. Materials Research, 18 (2003) 1104-1108.

26. Matthew J. Olszta, Sivakumar Gajjeraman, Michael J. Kaufman and Laurie B. Gower, “Nano-Fibrous Calcite Synthesized via a Solution-Precursor-Solid (SPS) Mechanism”, Chemistry of Materials, 16 (2004) 2355-2362.

27. G Lvov, V.I. Levit, and M.J. Kaufman, “Mechanism of Primary MC Carbide Decomposition in Ni-Base Superalloys”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 35A (2004) 1669-1679.

28. Matthew J. Olszta, Sivakumar Gajjeraman, Michael Kaufman and Laurie B. Gower, “Nanofibrous Calcite Synthesized via a Solution Precursor-Solid Mechanism”, Chem. Mater. 16 (2004) 2355-2362.

29. Hansoo Kim, Michael Kaufman and Wolfgang Sigmund “Phase Transition of Iron inside Carbon Nanotubes under Electron Irradiation” Journal of Materials Research 19, 1835 (2004)

30. G.K. Sigworth, J. Howell, O. Rios and M.J. Kaufman, “Heat Treatment of Natural Aging Aluminum Casting Alloys”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 18 (2005) 1-8.

31. P.D. Eason and M.J. Kaufman, “Impurity Effects on the Environmental Stability of Powder Processed Alumino-Silicide Compounds”, J. Mater. Research, 20 (2005) 2691-2704.

32. G.K. Sigworth, J. Howell, O. Rios and M.J. Kaufman, “Heat Treatment of Natural Aging Aluminum Casting Alloys”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 19 (2006) 123-129.

33. D. Diercks, M. Kaufman, J.W. Weijtmans, R. Wise, R.B. Irwin, A. Jain and L. Robertson, “Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Measurements of Lattice Strain in Strained Silicon – Higher Order Laue Zone Line Splitting and Relaxation”, submitted to Applied Physics Letters, Fall, 2006.

34. J. Hwang, H.D. Doty and M.J. Kaufman, “High Resolution TEM Study of Heterogeneously Nucleated ‘ Phase in Al-Si-Cu-Mg Alloys”, in preparation, 2007.

35. Anantha Puthucode, Rajarshi Banerjee, Suman Vadlakonda, Reza Mirshams* and Michael J. Kaufman, “Incipient Plasticity and Shear Band Formation in Bulk Metallic Glass Studied Using Indentation”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 2007 (in press).

36. J. Hwang, H.D. Doty and M.J. Kaufman, “Microstructural Evolution in Si-modified 319 Type Aluminum Alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering, (in press).

37. J. Hwang, H.D. Doty and M.J. Kaufman, “The Effects of Mn Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al 319 Alloys”, in preparation, 2006.

38. M.J. Kaufman and V.I. Levit: “Characterization of Chromium Boride Precipitates in the Commercial Superalloy GTD-111 After Long-Term Exposure”, to be submitted to Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Oct. 2007

39. A. Puthucode, E. Stenmark, O. Rios, R.D. Noebe and M. J. Kaufman, “Identification of a New Phase in the Ti-Ni-Pt System”, to be submitted to Materials Science an d Engineering, October, 2007.

Contact Information

Phone: 303-273-3009
Office: Guggenheim 314
Email: mkaufman@mines.edu

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