John G. Speer
Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
American Bureau of Shipping Endowed Chair for Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
B.S. Lehigh University, Bethelehem, PA and Ph.D. University of Oxford, U.K.
Research Area
- Steel product development and applications
- Physical metallurgy
- Phase transformations and microstructural development
Technical Focus
I joined the Mines faculty after 14 years of research and research management in the steel industry. I am teaching alloying and phase stability at the undergraduate level, and ferrous physical metallurgy at the graduate level. My background is in physical metallurgy and solid-state phase transformations, and product development including alloy design/processing response/application and performance.
My research interests involve ferrous physical metallurgy and steel processing/p roducts in general, and my desire to link the fundamentals of physical metallurgy with industrial applications. I will be extensively involved with the Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center and hope to help maintain the strong relationships which have developed between CSM faculty/students and the steel producing/consuming community. The Center conducts leading programs in sheet, plate, bar, and stainless steels to develop a better understanding of alloying, microstructure, processing, an d performance of steels for a variety of industrial applications.
274 Hill Hall